So as I mentioned yesterday, as planned I got home late from work and I guess I wanted to see how many of my personal diet rules I could break. So here goes:
1. Heated up dinner at 8:30 which means I ate later than I wanted to since I’ve been trying to get to bed earlier. STRIKE ONE
2. As it was leftovers and I didn’t want it to go bad, I had a far larger portion that I should have. STRIKE TWO
3. And because I felt guilty for my mom making me specifically a large batch of cream cheese xmas cookies, I had a couple handfuls of those… which in turn made me feel guilty for breaking the no sweets rule. STRIKE THREE. YOU SUCK AT DIETING
Now albeit the meal wasn’t bad… A pork chop with cooked potatoes and onions, it was still a bad call. /hits self on nose with newspaper. It should have been a salad and that’s it. Well luckily very few people have weighed in so I’m probably not hurting my chances much…. Just hurting my soul.
Did I mention I woke up late this morning, didn’t make it to the gym before work, and have a grocery trip scheduled to the Teet (last day of 2-for-1 specials) so I don’t have any time for any exercise tonight? Does this sound counterproductive to anyone else? Thought so.
If you get to the gym tomorrow I will do the same. Of course you will have to let me know by like 1pm if you go.
ReplyDeleteI need a kick in the ass, havent been since like october.
I hit up the gym this morning before work. I usually get there around 7am because getting up the pike to Bally's after work is too much frustration to make it worth it.
ReplyDeleteWhat gym do you belong to?
I belong to Sport and Health in gaithersburg, but I totally didn't go today. I was lazy and just slept all morning and afternoon
ReplyDeleteI would certainly do the same if I worked the same kinda schedule you did.... BTW BOOO on the guy who replaced the repeats of C2C... Ya'll have enough Republican Talking Heads yelling on WMAL as it is.
ReplyDeleteMac you just need to do what so many people before you have done...
ReplyDeleteWhen things are looking bad for you just ask WWJD...
That's right What Would Jason Do...
If your not in alignment with what Jason would do then you are probably in alignment with what WWLD...What Would Losers Do...
Don't do what losers would do. Instead win.