I don’t remember a lot of individual details for the last 10 days but on Saturday the 7th we were able to get in our first game of Frisbee this year. I was stoked. To boot it was like 68 degrees out. This was my first time back at the field of my ankle injury since October. There was about 18 of us to start the game which was a solid number. I was able to sprint a bit but as the game went on, I could tell that my ankle was not doing too well with all the uneven ground. Apparently my arse needs some new shocks. I had to split two hours in so I could make the Caps game that night against Florida. I’m glad I did. It was fantastic stuff.
Since then, the Caps have been on a 3-game road trip which has me longing for some Phone Booth action. Mike Green solidified himself as a Cap to remember and FINALLY I know who my next jersey is going to be… Hopefully before the playoffs. I think its time I add a real current caps jersey to my collection so I can actually rock the red. Now for a short “Get to Know Mike Green” segment (watch out for those simpletons from Regina!):
Broke down and went to Circuit City to check out the liquidation and of course, talked myself into buying a Xbox360 Elite. Still expensive at $315 but that’s $85 dollars off the retail ticket price. Picked up NHL 09 too. Don’t have a HD TV yet but that will come with time.
Eating has been a mixed bag as of late. I’ve been doing okay during the day. It’s been a mixture of healthy leftovers and Harris Teeter. Unfortunately for the diet, Megan and I have been going out and actually attempting to not be hermits. We’ve done Macaroni Grill, Chili’s several times, and a couple other places I can’t think of at the moment. I’ve managed to stay fairly obedient but things like bottomless tortilla chips at Chili’s is tough to say no to. On the flip side, I’ve been banging down vegetables, whole grain pastas, and lean meat so as long as they don’t use 2 sticks of butter per meal, I should be alright.
Went to the gym for cycling on Saturday morning and a fight almost broke out between two women and the manager of the gym. Apparently they’ve been saving bikes for friends who hadn’t signed up for the class yet and people getting to the gym early couldn’t get a bike. It was one of the most childish things I’ve seen from fully-grown adults. On weekends now they’re going to call each one of us to enter the studio in order of sign-up. Fine with me as I usually get there with time to spare but damn people… It’s a fucking spinning class not the war on terror. Had another KICK ASS new teacher that day too. I like my man David but these two chicks the last two Saturdays have been a whole new experience. I am literally less of a man when they’re done with me. Good stuff.
Valentines Day was good. Not quite as planned but good nonetheless. Megan and I were planning on going ice skating
Dinner was awesome because despite the hostess screwing up our reservation time, we got seated immediately in a VERY packed restaurant while the line out the door cursed at us passionately. The waiter, despite bringing us water glasses for our glasses of wine, left the whole bottle of house Chianti on the table and then only charged us for one (1) glass of wine @ $4.99. Can’t complain about that one bit.
I guess I should address the weight issue since this is a weight-loss centered blog. With all the eating out I thought I was going to be screwed but after a good spin this morning and some light weights, I came in at 248 lbs! I didn’t think there was a shot in hell I’d be under 250 and in fact was preparing myself for my first gain of the competition. With this bit of good news, I’m down 21.5 lbs in 6 weeks which keeps me slightly above my goal of 3 lbs a week. Solid.
Anywho… got staff meeting here in a couple minutes which reminds me, I never told you why I disappeared. My blogging schedule had me doing most of my penmanship during work hours… usually around lunch. Well on the 2nd of February, Strathmore laid off 6 people including 2 people from our department. Put those on top of Veronica, our Ops Assistant, who left earlier in January for another job, and that gives Miriam and I 5 jobs to split between the two of us with no relief in sight. My only work time to write now is when I get in early on spinning days and can get most of my narrative done by 9.
Hope whoever reads this finds it in their heart to forgive my laziness and are doing well personally.